
Later on - 3

"Johnny Cash at San Quentin" - não duraria muito, como DJ...

Nem em Genève, cidade feia - enfim, cidade que deveria ser feia. Nenhuma cidade onde temos uma história é feia (nenhuma, nem La Chaux-de-Fonds, nem Dunkerque, nem Nakhodka).

"I don't know where I'm bound"

I don't know where I'm bound
I don't know where I'm bound
Whistles calling me away
leaving at the break of day and
I don't know where I'm bound

Can't stand locks, bars or doors
mean cops insanity and wars
Gotta find a place of peace
Till then much travellin' on seas
but I don't know where I'm bound

There's gotta be a place for me
under some green growing tree
clear cool water running by
an unfettered view of the sky
but I don't know where I'm bound

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